E Mobility Solutions
Charging Station, Energy Conservation, Battery BunksBegin the investment in Future Energy Repository
SOLUTIONSPower Solutions
Adapt Electric, a wing of Adapt Group for E Mobility Solution, has rendered a platform for the investors who are looking for an investment in the energy warehousing & supply portfolio. The company invites the individual or business group investors for a business venture to set up Energy Repositors for electric vehicles. The company shares the business plan, guides & supports the potential investor in installation & implementation of the business Charging Station.
The business plan includes all the required infrastructure, up-gradation of technical aspects in future & alternate & JIT(Just in Time) energy provision methodology. The company support the business post installation by providing KT(Knowledge Transfer) & ESS (Emergency Service Support).

We respect your management skills
BUSINESSE Fleet Management
Are ready to take up the challange of management & do a furtistic business? The country is stepping in the era of energy conversation & optimisation. And all the businesses will sooner or later inclined to "Energy Conservation" in their logistic field. Adapt Motor welcomes investors & spear heads to join us in providing the existing businesses & new comers an e-mobility solution.
Our spealized wing of Adapt Electric, brings a comprehensive solution to businesses whose operations are dependent on last-mile connectivity or door-deliveries. We provide a win-win consultation wherein the client not only understands the mobility model commercially but even starts contributing to greener world.